Friday, January 27, 2012

How to Attract Sexy Asian Girls

Most guys are confused about how to attract sexy Asian girls. Sexy Asian girls can appear to be shy, mysterious and sometimes pretentious and difficult to attract and seduce for western guys.
Many men find sexy Asian girls attractive however Asian girls can often feel threatened or intimidated by men from other cultures and as a result can come across as pretentious or seem 'stuck up'. In general Asian girls are not accustomed to men that are more outgoing, bigger and louder than Asian men. Also the obvious cultural and language barriers can make it difficult for Asian women to be receptive to guys from other cultures.
5 Tips to attract sexy Asian girls:
1. Becoming familiar and knowing as much as you can about the hot Asian women you desire is the first step in the attraction process. A good opening technique to use is to say something like "you have a very unique, exotic beautiful look, do you mind me asking what is your background" this will prompt her to talk about something she will be passionate about, herself. Most women loved to be appreciated for their uniqueness especially Asian women. A riskier move is to take a guess at what her background is, get it right and she will be really impressed but if you get it wrong she may be curious about your intentions.
2. Sexy Asian girls love to be gently dominated, instructed and spoiled. They also love to be courted by masculine guys that are decisive and can protect and provide rather being submissive and clingy. Most women will get bored with too much attention and frustrated without enough there is a balance you must achieve.
3. Also familiarizing yourself with some Asian culture, food and traditions will make her feel more comfortable with you and you will be able to develop an instant rapport. You do not have to become an expert, however just learning a few basics of Asian culture and food will dramatically improve your chances of success with sexy Asian women.
4. Sexy Asian women in general can be more materialistic and high maintenance than women from other cultures. Therefore your appearance and method of approach is more critical than with most other women. Ensure you pay attention to your clothes and ensure they are presentable, clean, fashionable and you are well groomed. Also be polite, use manners and be less aggressive or intimidating in your approach to Asian women than you would normally with other women.
5. Sexy Asian girls love guys that are gentlemen and have a bad boy or mysterious edge. These type of strong, confident and fashionable male figures are revered and very popular in Asian culture. However don't be too cocky or arrogant and don't reveal too much about yourself be ambiguous.

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