Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to Attract Hot Girls in Less than 5 Minutes

When it comes to the expression "clothing makes the man", this may hold true in certain circumstances and not others. One thing is for certain, it can definitely have a positive or a negative effect on that woman that has noticed you down at the other end of the bar. Keeping in mind that how you dress says a lot about you, what are you going to do next now that she has noticed you? It isn't just how you attract a woman that you're interested in, it's how you keep them attracted to you that counts as well.
Physical attraction is a strange animal. Ironically, it isn't always physical. Appearance, individuality, and personality have been proven to be three of the biggest deal breakers out there in the "attraction market." So just because you've got 6-pack abs and a ripped physique doesn't mean you're going attract the women you feel attracted to.
When it comes to appearance, here's the first clue --- boring is a bust. In some cases it may seem difficult to be the leader in conversing or instigating a conversation, but if you're so shy, why did you walk into that bar in the first place? Obviously it wasn't to sit there alone all night and leave in the same state. Dress tastefully, but add enough pizzazz (flair) to your ensemble so that when you walk through that door, your appearance has a handful of women thinking "Now who is that guy?"
Most people dress to fit in with the social setting they are going to be in. Throw that rule out the window. If you do that, you'll only accomplish one thing --- not being noticed because you look like every other Tom, Dick, and Harry in the joint. Dress accordingly so they won't tell you at the door that you're not properly attired, but make sure you have something on that is a testimony to your uniqueness. In other words, wear that something extra that makes women say, "This guy may have something I want."
Another little pearl of advice is that if you're going to a bar where you know a lot of fine looking women hang out, and the standard attire is "bum in blue jeans", break out the Dockers, a decent looking sport shirt, and a nicer pair of shoes. Don't make it look like you just left the office and took off your tie, but do make yourself look better than the competition. Don't look like a beach bum, look like the guy who owns that beach.
Individuality is king --- blending in is boring. You know the drill. Don't be a sheep, be a leader. And don't let that self-assuredness come across as self-centeredness or conceit. You can attract a lot of women in this area by letting you're actions and your body language tell them you're the one that should be followed. Being someone who follows the crowd doesn't get you noticed. Being someone who has that leadership air about them entices women into wanting to get closer to you.

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